Kade Government Hospital

History & Background

Your health our concern


Kade Government Hospital is a government hospital established in 1962 as a Health Centre and later upgraded to a District Hospital in August 2007 for the people of Kwaebibirem.


The hospital is thus seventeen (17) years since its establishment as a hospital and serves as the referral center for Health Centers, Maternity Homes and CHPS within the Kweabibirem.


The hospital has a bed capacity of 84 with outpatient per capita being 1 and population to doctor ratio of 1:25,373 highlighting the huge doctor to population gap in the catchment area.

Kade Government Hospital,
It is currently the only hospital in the municipal and serves a projected catchment population of about 128,863 and a WIFA (women in fertility age) population of 30,447; this is based on projections of 2021 population census with a population growth rate of 3.34% (specifically in accordance with the Eastern Region population growth rate). Proportion of the total municipal population for males is 49.11% whilst that of female is 50.89%.
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